To my BFF bro I'd say:
I know I seem to keep on criticizing you and you probably think i'm your number one critic but hey, that's what siblings are for. The truth is I idolize you and I'm probably your number one fan. I think you are the best reader, best chairman, and have a great voice. I can't tell you this coz i don't want you to get big headed so for now, i'll keep it to myself.
To my BFF Hany I'd say:
I really regret being so 'hard' and 'emotionless'. I wish I let you brush my hair, massage and do whatever you wanted to do before. I know you know me well but i still wish I was a little more caring, a little more sympathetic and a little more emotional.
To the guy who makes me laugh I'd say:
You may not realize it but you never fail to put a smile on my face and I'm ever thankful for that. I really wish I had the guts to be a little showy before it was too late but I was too scared. The truth is despite the distance, I really wish you were here.
To the guy I loved before I'd say:
I honestly never really got over you. I'm sorry if this is why you seem to try and distance yourself but I really wish you didn't I wish you would treat me normally, i wish you would answer my texts and I wish you could tell me why you've changed so much. If I could turn back time, I wouldn't change anything I did and I'm still thankful I realized how much I could care for someone through you. SO million thanks for that.
To the girl who got the guy I'd say:
I'm sorry if I can't seem to get close to you. The bottom line is I really am envious of you. I know you've gone through much more than me and therefore 'deserve' him in a way but I just can't bring myself to be close to you. Still, I really hope all goes well with you both.
To my lil sis. kay I'd say:
There are so many things we have in common. I just wish we'd be more open with each other and stop acting so strong. I wish we could be closer than we are. I can't help but see that we seem to be building up walls to try and keep ourselves inside, secure and out of reach from the world.
Well, there you have it. I know this is probably one of the corniest posts I've ever written but I really don't care. It's the only way I can express myself so what can I do? I may have said these things here but I really don't know if i'll ever be able to say them in person. Why? Coz I really believe that saying some things cause too much change and this is not something everyone is ready to deal with. That is why some things are better left unsaid....^_^