I've never been the type who puts everything into writing, makes daily 'what to do's' or checklists- I used to find it a little corny and just not my thing.Anyway, I decided to try and guess what-it makes a difference.There simply is a big difference between thinking things up in your head and putting them into paper.Like if it's just in your mind, you can easily 'delete' and get on with life but once it's on paper, every unaccomplished thing is a failure, a solid proof of your mismanagement.Once you get things on paper start to realize just how much time you actually have on your hands (I ended up running out of things to do) and how to make the best use of it.You get to think of all the things that should be a daily habit but somehow you don't seem to find time to fit them in.Once you write them down and start doing your very best to follow through, you get a unique sense of satisfaction.Like your day wasn't a waste and you used every single minute wisely. Well here are some of the things I've been able to do with my new 'finding':
>read at leas one chapter of the Bible daily
>read the day's text
>get the house clean before 10:00am
>do laundry
>prepare for all the meetings
>do research
It's only been a couple of weeks and I know it'll be harder to stick to it as time goes by but you'll never know what you can do unless you try right?So this is me trying to stop my 'come what may', 'unplanned', 'spur of the moment' life and start being a little organized.You're only young once, so if you don't do all you can with your time,you might wake up one day finally planning to make the most of your time but finding yourself with back pains, failing vision, a weak heart and every thing old age brings and realize it's actually too late.^_^

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