There's something that I've come to realize lately-how much you know someone isn't the basis of how much you'll miss them. (this is gonna get a lot cheezy..so read on at your risk)..there are times when you simply get along with a group of people. It's not that you necessarily share soo many things in common, or that you know what they're going through or any stuff like that but you simply have the grandest time of your life with them. Y?? I have a couple of theories:
Theory #1: Personalities. Maybe it's because the combination of your personalities created a jigsaw puzzle effect-you came together and formed that picture that made you all smile..You just could be yourself with them without worrying about getting any raised eyebrows or criticizing whispers..
Theory #2: Circumstance. Maybe it just so happened that you needed a breather that time and they were the ones who gave that to you. You were stressed and they were available to help you unwind..
Or maybe it could be a little of both coz for sure things wouldn't be the same if you were with some other group..Like one of mois famous sayings: "it's not the place, its the people you are with that matters"...
Well, the fact is-I MISS THEM!!! (i know they miss me more :D:D:D:D.LOL)I really can't pin point the reasons but I will say it again-I MISS THEM LIKE I'VE NEVER MISSED ANY ONE BEFORE...(over n dyon..ahahaha)

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