Then I remembered. I remembered the lesson that I swore I'd never forget.
Many years ago, I 'looked down' on those who had privileges and ended up rebelling. I simply could not understand why and how such a thing could happen. I would tell myself "that would never happen to me". I would never end up like 'them'. I would never commit a grave sin like 'them'. Yes, this over self-confidence was part of me.
Then with an experience I'd rather not go into details with,it nearly happened to me.It was then that I learned my ultimate lesson. That it could happen to anyone of us. NO matter how 'strong' no matter how mature or well-spoken of you may think you are, you may very easily find yourself in a situation that you'd never imagined yourself being in. It takes one false move, one wrong decision and you'll have made the biggest mistake in your life.
So instead of thinking about all the 'Why's and 'how could he's". I empathized. I understood. I understood how he had fallen pray to Satan's trap. How he surely regrets his actions and how this discipline may bring him back to his senses.
And it taught me my lesson all over again. Never to feel too 'safe' and 'mature' that you feel invincible. To always keep yourself away from temptations and to continue building yourself up with 'fire resistant material'.

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