I can safely say that up until now, I never really could ever say that I actually LOVED what I did. That got me wondering WHY? What is so different that has made me say that I actually love my job?
I have this theory that I guess I can say is the reason behind all the love I'm feeling for my work right now. It depends person to person but I believe if the right 'bottons' are hit, anyone can come to love their work.
I think it has everything to do really about being able to get in touch with 'what we are capable of'. But the tricky part is to have the initiative, desire to get in touch with your capabilities. This is where I shall say 'CONGRATULATIONS' to my boss.
He knows what was important to me, lets me do 'my thing', no hard rules, no working hours that I don't want to, no restrictions on leaves, NOTHING that would make me end up 'hating' or maybe simply just 'not liking 'my job.
I have discovered that (at least in my case), if you are given the liberties that you need to keep you happy, you will end up giving your work you're ALL. In my case, even to the extent that I end up working more than I would've ever worked simply because I just WANT to finish whatever I've started.
In the past, with all the restrictions, big deal for leaves etc, who wants to burn their brain cells ayt? It was more of a 'I'll just do what I'm told..nothing more..nothing less..' My brain was in no mood for 'critical thinking' and brainstorming ...
Now, it's like 'they're good to me..so I'll be good to them',which means giving them unlimited access to my brain and whatever useful is in it.
The reasons behind you doing something are extremely important. For me, it's not simply 'doing my job' but more of 'proving to myself what I'm capable of', 'living up to their expectations'. It's KNOWING and SEEING that in a big way, what I do actually matters and that the company appreciates every thing I do:)
Plus comes the big,big bonus of showing/proving them that despite anything they may think or have heard about Jehovah's people, Being EXCELLENT WORKERS is part of who we are and that all the rules they 'bend' for us are worth it....
SO there you have it, this is me saying something I never thought I'd be able to say: I LOVE MY JOB♥