Nothing we decide to do will have a 100% success rate.We don't actually really know what the result of our decisions will be.Of course you evaluate, meditate,plan and do everything in your power to come up with a final decision but it's always a make or break.Some things you can't forsee and only realize once you're there.If you can change your mind and back out-great. But some things are more permanent.Weather you take the chances or not all depends on your motive and how strong your desire is to do it.If your motives are pure,unselfish and desire strong-nothing will stop you and you'll be ready to face anything.
Sometimes, you know what you have to do but don't do it.Maybe it's a fear of change, or uncertainty of the consequences or maybe simple procrastination that usually goes too far or perhaps you get too comfortable with your current lifestyle and situation that you forget to make the change.No matter how noble or right the decision may seem,you always have second thoughts-'what ifs' cloud your mind and peoples' reactions start to cause you to doubt the logic in your decision.What then?Deafen your ears and convince yourself over and over again that you're doing the right thing.
So am I having second thoughts?I wouldn't be writing this if I weren't:D Am I making the right decision?Definitely Yes.Am I sure of success?Not really.Do I have everything planned out?Nope.So what exactly am I thinking then if I have all these doubts?I'm making time for more important things, I'm keeping my promise, I'm 'testing' JH,I'm simplifying my life ,I'M DOING WHAT IS RIGHT..it's now or never *_*

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