It's amazing how things can change in such a short time. Before you know it, people have come and gone in and out your life.Kids you used to carry and spin in the air are now almost in High school.It's like you wake up and realize everything has actually changed! 'Pains' you thought would never heal are now mere memories that you sometimes laugh at.People you thought would be there forever are nowhere to be found.More ironic is how time can even 'heal' our occasional 'crazy' love interests-in a blink of an eye, you don't know what was so 'perfect' about him anymore! Yep, time is a great eye-opener.Where would we be if we 'got lost in the moment' and didn't wait for some time to pass??Probably in some disastrous relationship?Married to a wrong person...something very, very regretful!So, am I regretting anything now? NOPE!Just like things wouldn't be the same if you hadn't waited, things wouldn't be the same if you did anything different.You wouldn't be the same person.I've got a motto on that line-"don't regret anything you did, remember it made you happy at one time":) They say 'only time will tell'- I've just understood this.There's nothing we can do to change time, at least we can make sure we don't waste it, we treasure every one we've had the chance to be close to in the past, hold dear the people in our life at the moment and look forward to what life brings in the future^_^
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