Weddings are supposed to be a happy, fun time for everyone. In my opinion even the preparation should be enjoyable and stress free. It's been really crazy how much I've come to learn about all this stuff lately! How did it make me feel? Envious? I really can say NO WAY!
The fact that you don't have to experience something to learn is really true. There is so much more than the 'happy ending' that's usually on everyone's mind. The wedding day, though being so short actually does take a lot of preparation. All of this puts a lot of pressure on both parties and instead of being that blooming, crazy in love, excited bride to be, you may easily find yourself loosing weight and looking nearly sad!
Hmm..a lot of things to think about huh? One things for sure, i definitely am not going to jump into anything too fast!! Whenever my turn comes, I will be the most stress-free, happy, blooming...etc bride-to be in the world! LOL...For now, its time to sit back and enjoy the ride before price charming sweeps me off my feet...hahaha...]

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