I don't know about you, but I just hate conversing with people who seem to be on a different wave length! You try your best 'smart ass' talks and they can't rebut. That's just lame and basically the fastest way for me to say 'nice chatting with you but no thanks'..LOL
No, I'm not saying I'm smart or anything (people think I am though..ehem2x) but I do love being witty. I love twisting words, using up all my reservoir of 'trash talk' and love 'winning' intellectual conversations. But what I love the most is 'loosing' to someone who really does deserve to win. I love 'geniuses' who have their way with words and leave me checking out the meaning of words just to be sure I don't make a fool of myself.
My brain doesn't get much stimulation from my work so I need to keep it active with these intellectual conversations. I guess that's the role some people (you know who you are) have. Believe me, that is a very good place to be in my life;). The world, or should i say MY WORLD wouldn't be the same without you guys so thanks for sharing your brains and giving me a reason to use mine. I know I can be lame at times but hey, nobody was born with an IQ like yours so cut me some slack:)
So here's to all those who are able to tune into my wave length...>LOVE YOU GUYZ<

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