Road #1 is probably what we all prepare ourselves for-the great tribulation, staying faithful etc but I've realized that road #2-the one we seldom think of (who wants to think about death right?) is in a way much more probable than the first. Why?
Think about it-though we can witness so many signs, nobody knows when the end will come. Though there is a chance it will be in our lifetimes, the fact is-we could easily die before we witness it. Sometimes, we think of death to be caused by old age or some sickness. We always picture ourselves with families, settled down, maybe with kids, growing old.....but I just realized that our lives can be cut short ANYTIME..that death can overtake us without notice.
Unforeseen occurrences are become more and more rampant-floods, earthquakes, crime, accidents-anything can happen and anyone can be a victim. Coming to think about it, there have been quite a few witnesses who have been victims of such lately. A landslide took one or two witnesses, then came the flood which took another three...It's something we must understand-we are not exempted from these disasters, we have no special 'protection'..
Our protection lies in our hope..I dunno, it's just that the thought of being 'ready to die' has been on my mind a lot recently. So am I ready to die? I'm not sure...And how about the world? Is the world ready to lose me anytime? I wonder...I wonder who would be heartbroken if anything happened to me.. I wonder who'd regret not caring,....
Well, enough of that...I'll just live, laugh, love and treat everyday like it was my last...:)

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