I've always had a 'BUSY' life or at least I thought that it was busy but I am admitting now that I never knew the meaning of the word. Even now, it seems this is still not the maximum busy I can be. Here's what I've realized about being busy:
1. You have so much to do, you don't know where to start.
2. You keep notepad open plus a paper nearby to list priorities during the day
3. You feel like 24 hours is not enough
4. You sleep like a baby out of exhaustion every night
5. You wake up and take a long time to start your day simply because you don't know where to start!
6. You fall asleep thinking of ways to be more effective/efficient the following day
7. You cherish every minute and get upset when people aren't punctual (so much to do and you're wasting my time!LOL)
8. You don't even have time for things you love (I MUST jog again!!!!:()
9. You calculate everything you do to make sure you get things done
10. You don't realize that you have no 'love life' hahahaha
11. You forget to reply to people's SMS's
12. You are amazed at what you are actually capable of (who would've thought....)
13. You are more time conscious than before
14. You forget to eat meals and if you don't, make them as short as possible
15. You don't know what's happening in other peoples lives (no time to wonder about FB)
Well, well being busy can actually be fun BUT it definitely drains you mentally, physically and emotionally. On the other hand, I have discovered that being busy is one of the ways to mind your own business, make the most of your time and get that sense of accomplishment. Valuable lessons in life don't you think??:)

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