Is it my fault that ‘her’ guys flock to me and spill the beans? Hey, I don’t even have to probe them, they just go ‘ate emz..blah blah blah’. And what do you expect me to do? Cover my ears and tell them to rant someplace else?
Is it my fault that over and over again, these guys have so much ‘negative’ stuff to say? And who am I to say that they’re wrong when they probably know more than me not to mention the fact that these are not single incidents but reoccurring ones.
When they come to me for advice, am I wrong to let them know some ‘weaknesses’ or do you expect me to say ONLY the good stuff?? Hey, I CARE for both of them and as far as I know, everything I ever said was only for their good. And you know what? IF they had listened to my advice which went something like: “you’re both too young for these kind of things….how about you stay ‘just friend’s ‘ and see how things go in the future” NOBODY would have ended up hurt. And now I’m the bad guy?
Is it my fault that for some reason I only end up knowing these things from the other party? That I end up knowing all the 'tiny' details from them?
OK enough about whose fault it is already. My point is it seems in some people’s books, being a friend means minding your own business, not giving any advice, not saying anything negative, just leaving things the way they are and waiting for the fireworks to start.
But hey, I’m flexible and rather tired of all the drama. Yep, IT”S NOT MY LIFE (I know that-always have) and NOPE, I won’t die of “not knowing” and so maybe I’ll just sit back and get on with my uncomplicated life….Goodbye counselor, Goodbye ate, Goodbye to my definition of friend…
From now on, ‘FRIEND” means ‘hi’ ‘hello’s, having good times together and NEVER talking about personal stuff right? RIGHT! Would’ve saved myself a lot of headaches if I had done this earlier but you know me, ever concerned, ever helpful but all for nothing…Shall we shake on this? Coz You’ve got yourself a deal….^_^

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