Any father or daughter knows the special relationship they have.NO. I wouldn't call it favoritism though sometimes that's exactly what it amounts to.It's just a unique connection fathers and daughters share usually throughout their lives. Laughs just between the two of them, cute teasing, small talk-everything is just something you don't share with anybody else. No wonder father's are so protective of their daughters! Any other man whom she shows interest in has the potential of replacing them as 'the special person' in their daughters life.And daughters spoiled by dads.No wonder the biggest barrier any man has to go through is the girls father!I bet all father's would love to get to pick their son-in-laws!lol.That's why girls make sure to let their dads meet their guys first-a way of asking "approve"?or "disprove"? And guys, believe me-girls totally believe their dads and sometimes take their opinions as facts so better court the father before the girl!:) No wonder fathers cry at their daughters weddings!They no longer can protect their daughters from everything-they're on their own. The connection they've had since their birth has to change. And no wonder girls love their father's so much.^_^.Like the saying goes: "Dad - a son's first hero, a daughter's first love".
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