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Monday, June 25, 2012

Innocence is Bliss

Even the bible says for us to ‘mind your own business ‘ (1 Thess 4:11). I’ve just come to see the wisdom in these words. I have always been someone who in a way knows almost ‘everything’ going on in almost ‘everyone’s’ life. I was like a huge box of secrets…For some reason, things have changed. Maybe people have changed; maybe I have-maybe both. I am no longer the person who knows what’s happening and in fact seem to be quite opposite-someone who  is oblivious to whatever is happening around me. Someone who is innocent and thinks everything is going well….

I’m actually enjoying this newfound ‘innocence’ of mine.  Knowing sometimes just makes life a lot harder-you end up  with so many things to consider, your actions aren’t natural anymore, you always have to keep your tongue in check and make sure you don’t slip and say something you ought not to.
Now, I can stay my happy self, treat people equally, not have to hold  my tongue back due to some ‘secret’ I hold. Now, I can smile, laugh without being affected with whatever issues are unfolding. Yes, I do (only when given some hint) understand when something is going on. (People not talking to each other..etc) but my not knowing  doesn’t taunt me at all. 

I don’t really want to know the latest issues. I don’t want to have to take sides in some kind of ‘show of loyalty’. And I certainly don’t want to end up with a sober face, losing my happiness like they seem to be doing.

Innocence is indeed bliss. Don’t I care? Don’t I want to help and give my ‘advice’ ? Don’t I want to try and help make things right? yes- I care but I have this theory: -IF I AM SUPPOSED TO KNOW SOMETHING, I WOULD. IF I DON’T, IT SIMPLY MEANS I DON’T REALLY NEED TO KNOW…if the time comes that I DO NEED TO KNOW, THEN I WOULD..

I am finally accepting the fact that some things are really NOT MY BUSINESS period. No matter how ‘close’ I feel I am to some person, I am coming to terms with the fact that they don’t NEED to tell me everything, that they are entitled to keep some things to themselves. That friendship doesn’t entitle one to UNLIMITED knowledge and that they have every right to keep their ‘secrets’ and I simply have to accept and respect that…..

As to the cause of this revelation of mine, I’m blaming my mid 20’s again…:D

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