Ok, so since I’ve apparently misplaced my ‘box of secrets’ and can’t seem to find all those corny poems of mine, I’ve come up with an alternative that is just as corny (maybe even more).I shall give ‘tribute’ to the VIP’s in my life one by one……So this one’s for my m8..
This won’t be about personality stuff (he hates those things) so it’ll simply be about his being a VIP in my life…
First off, m8 is hmm….in a way ‘always’ there considering the miles I mean. For some reason, he pops out at very appropriate times like when I need to blabber about something, or when I’m extremely bored or maybe a little emotional…etc. And has therefore been there in some of the you know….’down’ shall we put it, times in my life….
I know at times he really doesn’t have time for my ‘nonsense’ (I can be extremely silly and perhaps even annoying) but nevertheless he puts up with my blabbering (it’s usually all I need) and when I’m done, I’m good as new and he can get back to more serious stuff..:D
I admit, he gets on my nerves at times but since he happens to get so much amusement from it, I can’t help but let it go. Then are the times he lets me think that I’m such a genius’ (like when I have some idea or think I know something) though he probably knows far better. He tries not to ‘burst my bubble’ but just lets me be and I’m betting maybe laughs at me silently. (I don’t blame him though..haha)
He makes me smile-more like laugh like crazy at times with his corny, sometimes silly jokes or experiences. And multiple times I find myself with a lot of to people around me curious about what’s made me laugh so hard (like they’d understand ey?) So that makes him one of my ‘happy drugs’ right next to ice-cream (hard to beat the accessibility of ice-cream .hahha)
If I were stranded on some remote island, he’d be one of the few people I’d choose to be with. If I were Megamind, I’d use my hydro gun on him so he could stay travel size:D If I were Mr Fredrickson,’ I’d take him to Paradise Falls with me. If I were Gru, he’d be Dr. Nefario (minion would be a little harsh..hahaha)… And he is also one of the reasons I wish I was a jumper with ‘teleporting’ powers……
Simply put, m8 is one of the few people I hope stays in my life and if he for some reason decides to ‘walk out’, he’d better start training an apprentice to take his place..OR ELSE!

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