There is much one can learn in 24 years on this planet. It may be in the friendship area, lovey dovy part of life or some other aspect. I think most of the lessons we learn though have to do with family life. For 24 years I’ve stayed with my family and have observed a lot of things that I will now put into writing. I don’t know if they are true in the absolute sense but they are simply my vision of what goes on in the mind of a married man and woman. (char!)
When a man gets home exhausted from a day at work, all he WANTS is a ‘hello kiss’ with a ‘how was your day’ follow up. This is HIS time. You are now to make him comfortable, get him relaxed, get his stomach filled and listen. You can share your day later. IT is NOT the time to remind him about all the bills and whatever is on your mind…that can and should wait. He needs some quite time.
When a man wants to spend time with ‘the boys’, it doesn’t mean he’s ‘irresponsible’ or ‘less of a family man’. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t like your company. It is just him being a MAN. In as much as he loves you and all, he must spend time with the boys. This is what makes him a man. This is what keeps him SANE. It is your job to find something to do and let him and his boys enjoy the bottle.
When a woman asks which dress to wear, she knows you really don’t mind. She’s only asking because she values YOUR opinion. If you really don’t have any ‘sense of fashion’ just pick whichever she seems to like. It’ll make her feel like she’s dressing up for you. But YOU MUST PICK!
When a man is in a bad mood, SILENCE is the best policy especially when it has something to do with you. You must give him time to cool down. He isn’t a woman who loves to talk about feelings.
When a woman is in a bad mood because of something you said or did, it usually isn’t really about that. IT’s all about how what you said or did made her FEEL. Women are all about feelings. You don’t have to apologize for whatever it is you did or said if you were right but you CAN and SHOULD apologize for how it made her feel.
When a man tells you you’re cooking sucked, he is just being HONEST. There is no need to be dramatic and give him the silent treatment. He didn’t mean to deride you; he was simply speaking his mind. This is the part where you ask what’s wrong and promise to do better in the future. No justifications.
When you’re talking and your man says he’s ‘tired, he means he wants you to SHUT UP and give him a back rub. Women’s blabbering can get on men’s nerves. It’s not that he’s not interested in what you have to say, it’s just more of a ‘not now’ cue.
When a woman corrects you about the way you leave your shoes in the wrong place or don’t close the shampoo cap, they don’t mean to nag. They are simply trying to keep the place neat so don’t take it too personal. Just be a good boy and put your stuff wherever she wants it put and apologize while your at it.
When a woman gets moody beyond the normal, blame the period. A woman is entitled to be a nagger, emotional wreck and get on your nerves at least once a month. Everything done or said here is not counted. And you, the man should simply let it pass.
I could go on and on but I’ll leave it at this….Nobody can have a perfect marriage in an imperfect world. So will these observations be of any use then? You’ve got to start somewhere right? So I’m starting with head knowledge. ..I’ll see where to go from there...