I love my girls. They're fun, enthusiastic, spiritual minded, fun..fun..fun..But it seems I always have to get some break from them. Well, we spend practically the whole weekend together from preaching to lunch to extras afterward but it sometimes gets..how to put it-'annoying'/'irritating'? Not in the super negative way just in the 'i need a break kind of way'.
Sometimes they come up with the 'silliest' jokes that even I-a fellow girl can't get. It's a Sunday lunch break moment, when I get out of the Kh, they're laughing like crazy. And i mean literally CRAZY! When they explain why, I can barely fake a smile. It just seemed to be one of the 'silliest' things to laugh about. And it seemed that I was the only girl around who thought so..Until the guyz came out and we just looked at each other in amazement..
It was like being with another species!And i'm thinking 'if i'm a girl, aren't i supposed to be on that side of the planet laughing like crazy as well?' But I just couldn't- there was simply nothing 'funny' about it...Gladly, the guys thought so too so I temporarily 'changed gender' here.
Then during the after preaching moments, we're watching a Russel Peters show which is a huge LOL,and viola- only two of us girls stayed..and i was seriously laughing my heart out.. The others simply couldn't get it and walked out..Now what's with that?? Am I on the 'wrong side' again?
I dunno, I really dunno. I love my girls, but there are times when one needs a 'break' that only guys can give.
Girls (I don't know if this is too much of a generalization though) can be kinda crazy sometimes while guys always seem to be able keep their heads together..Girls know how to have fun but sometimes their fun isn't funny at all..
Well, I'm just glad to be able to enjoy the BEST OF BOTH WORLDS..^-^

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