This is definitely disgusting! She’s like selling herself to all these guys online…gross. A minute ago, she fiddled with her blouse and I really don’t wanna know what that was all about. Now she’s busy with her typing, playing with her hair and basically trying to be seductive. She’s definitely not pretty but how can a woman stoop down to this level?
The guys are probably telling to do all kinds of ‘stupid’ stuff. “smile, stand up, show me this and that” GRRRRRRR…and the response is all ‘you’re very nice..i like your smile…I like you…’..I’m trying to figure out who I should be disgusted with-the guys or the girl?
How can people be so so…desperate!! I mean, it’s downright gross. More on the girls’ side. I mean doesn’t she get that these guys are pervs? That they’re simply ‘playing around with her’? Or does she like it somehow because she’s got some attention deficient?
Why can’t people do things the ‘old fashioned way’??? Meet someone nice, get together, date, whatever?? Is it money? Fun? I just don’t get it!!!!!! Fooling each other, I mean who would even find it ‘amusing’ or ‘flattering’. Each of them probably has lots of windows open and is chatting with so many at the same time just like she is.
Money? Maybe that’s what it’s about but still-has the world really become so degraded that anyone would trade their bodies for the ‘right price’? I wonder if they even get the money. Who would be so stupid to even send a stranger money?? I bet the ‘guys’ have a big laugh when she complies so stupidly and then asks for the money …LOL Serves her right!!
GROSS, DEGRADING, SICK, OFFENSIVE and all the synonyms you can think of. I’m so tempted to ‘trip’ the switch ‘accidently’ and put an end to this …or say something like ‘Miss, do you realize you’re spoiling every Filipinas name there…??’ .Gotta get outa here FAST before I throw up...

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