Well, after a lot of tossing and turning I have realized that there is a huge difference between being or trying to be ‘wise’ and being ‘indecisive’. The latter would make a decision hastily then come to his senses and try to undo it or find a way out. I don’t think I could be considered this way at all! In fact, I may even be quite the opposite. I tend to ‘test the water’ a number of times before deciding to jump.
Ok so you like me..And I guess I like you too. But I don’t jump. I give it time but all the while people think that I’ve somehow ‘decided’ already. (Probably coz I’m Blabbering all the ‘good stuff’ about it to my friends-have the tendency to see all the positive sides of a person) then it happens. The “big bang” and I decide to tip toe slowly away in the opposite direction. Then people notice and I explain… Do you really expect me to continue on a course has shown itself to be ‘fuzzy’? That may sound like being ‘decisive’ but it’s rather STUPID- a word I don’t want to end up using to describe myself..:D
So NO! I hereby declare myself not indecisive but in a way wise. And yes, I do have ample proof that my ‘tip toeing’ away was for the better. A few have ended up with let’s say-’not so happy endings’ so I’m surely glad I jumped off before the ship sank.LOL
I don’t care that I’m kinda getting ‘older’ and with my ‘giving it time’ and ‘tip toeing’ way of doing things I may end up ‘free’ ( so-called ‘single for life’ )..But I definitely don’t mind (not that I prefer it though-kind of ‘sour grapes’ line this is .hahaha). Call me ‘picky’ (im really not by the way:D) or whatever you want. I’d rather stay single than ‘ruin’ my life with the next ‘crazy’ guy that comes my way! But if he’s not crazy then……

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