Experiencing pain, sorrow, breaking your heart, and all other ‘negative’ emotions related to pain is in a way-healthy. Pain teaches us to become better people. It molds us into who we are. It is a ‘necessity’.
You get your heart broken; you learn to be more careful with other people’s feelings. You realize how easily you can wind up being the cause of someone’s hurt. You lose a loved one; you learn to treasure everyone you have with you. You know how loss feels. All these valuable lessons, learned with PAIN’s help.
Am I saying you can’t be careful of other’s feelings or understand loss if you haven’t experienced it at all? That would be a hasty generalization and a false statement as such. Though we don’t have to experience everything firsthand to understand or learn from it-there is a lot Pain can teach that mere stories or experiences cannot. Pain has no substitute.
In this world, pain seems to be a universal language. In fact, it seems to be one of the things that transcends all things and unites humanity. The ability to feel another’s pain is indeed a gift endowed only to us. Like with any other gift, it should be cherished.
Still, pain is not ‘natural’. By this I mean that we were not created with the intent of experiencing pain. Nevertheless, being in our imperfect state, pain has found its place. So, while we await our perfect, painless lives, let us learn from pain. Let us embrace it for will soon be a thing of the past.

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