It’s natural for us to want to feel cared for, loved and appreciated. This is how we were created. This urge is evident no matter ones’ age and maturity has nothing to do with it. The ‘journey’ to finding that ‘special one’ is long, fun, achy and part of everyone’s’ life. There is no ONE person that was ‘meant’ for you. There is no ‘DESTINY’. The bottom line is-YOU CHOOSE WHO YOU END UP WITH.
As to whether you are a ‘good pair’ or not, “many shoes may fit”. Again-it’s choice. No matter how much we pray about these things, we know we don’t expect Jah to put a special ‘X marks the spot’ on the one that would be right for us. In the end-it is OUR choice.
The problem is that many will come and surely catch your attention. Yep, in my case-I’d say this is absolutely true! It’s like I’m minding my own business, being busy in the ministry and off course praying about these things and then ‘BOOM!’ someone comes along! I’m like ‘ahmm…so is this it? He’s ok..etc….’ then comes the big BUT..but he’s…but he’s…So I decide to ‘stop looking’ at him and get on with my life.
Am I looking for perfection I sometimes ask myself? No, I guess not. It just so happens that for some reason or another, these guys end up ‘lacking’. Sometimes it’s not even a ‘lacking’ more like me having a ‘realization’ whereas other times it’s a huge ‘lacking’. At least, from all these experiences(not like they are so many though..LOL), I know myself better.
I can’t ‘endure’ someone who is soo all over me, - ‘US’, ‘LOVE’..and ‘ME’ are the only things he talks about. ..( 143, I miss you..you are so…143.143..-cute but not my thing)..I don’t like being the one ‘cared for’ even scolded for my ‘’unhealthy habits’..Oh cumon’ I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF THANK YOU!..LOL. I can’t stand having to explain so much for them to ‘get’ me. ..’hello, can we please tune in to the same wavelength…’..I can’t stand guys who treat ‘all girls the same’. ..’oh so so and so knows that too..and I thought I was kinda special!..bye bye…’..I can’t love someone who can’t last long in a conversation on spiritual matters…’goals, hmm…what spiritual goals..?’
Well, what i need just 'clicked'- Someone who has a life of his own, who doesn’t need me to somehow validate his existence. Someone who I can Care for. Someone who understands me and who I understand. Someone I can relate to without having to give so much ‘background information’. Someone who isn’t a ‘girl magnet’. Someone who loves to talk about spiritual things.
Bottom line is-I doubt if I can or even want to start from scratch with anyone ‘new’ (just met) now. I realize that my ‘ideal’ SOMEONE must be’ SOMEONE JUST AROUND THE CORNER…He may be ‘nearer than home than I think..‘♥

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