Many girls agree that when a guy really, really, loves you, you will be able to learn love them back. That no matter how ‘ordinary’ you may view them-their LOVE for you will be able to change everything. I have found something seriously wrong with this line of thinking.
The focus is on LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Is Love really all that matters? Aren’t there other aspects of a person that you ought to consider? In fact, aren’t there more important things such as spirituality that should be part of your decision?
I’m coming to think that LOVE isn’t really blind but LOVE can MAKE one blind. It’s so easy to be overwhelmed with all the love you are receiving that you ‘neglect’ or end up ‘blinding’ yourself to more important issues at hand. You may easily end up allowing yourself to ‘feel’ something for someone just because of all the love you’re getting and not for any ‘solid’ reasons.
I have come to conclude that there is in fact something very dangerous with ‘so much ‘LOVE. If someone is willing to do ANYTHING for you, you may be flattered at first but is that really a good sign? If all a person can talk about is their LOVE for you, should you get that tingling feeling? Should you conclude that ‘he is the one’?
NO! LOVE IS DEFINITELY NOT ALL THAT MATTERS. Yes, love will always be there but it shouldn’t be the only thing you see. It shouldn’t be the only reason you make a decision. It should not be the only basis for your relationship. In fact,it is one among the 'least' things to consider.

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