Do you remember your dream last night? I find it amazing how dreams can be so realistic! I think they are in a way a part of our subconscious mind.A place where there are no boundaries,where we make the rules and where our real 'dreams' come true or 'fears' come alive. I know you can't decide what to dream of but I think you do have some control over them, like if you're facing an important turning point let's say a competition, i bet your dreams would be of either winning or loosing.In short, we don't just dream anyhow but our situation, concerns are all a part of what we dream.Maybe that's why they are sometimes so realistic-because they really can happen and perhaps are what we'd like to happen or are fearing would happen.
The people or characters in our dreams are also 'based' on our lives. I can safely say my family, friends etc are almost always in my dreams.Most times, the person/people I'm concerned about or thinking about at that time are the 'main' characters in my dreams.And my 'story line'? hmmm...things I wish would happen ;)
Isn't it good that you don't usually remember your dreams?Some things better stay in 'dreamworld' don't you think?;) And it's even better that when you do remember, only you know what you dreamed about? There's no way I'd let anyone in my head!!(the things they'd see, the secrets they'd know!!lol) My dreams are one of the very few things I get to keep to myself so find yourself very privileged if I ever share any of them :D @_@

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