There must be a lot of things and people that make you smile.I'm into emo posts these days so this one goes out to everything/everyone who makes me smile:) I don't think i really have to mention names-you know who you are;)Well here are some of the things or people that put that smile on my face:
>being served bfast/lunch in bed(spoiled:D)
>waves/sand of the sea (so tranquil)
>Flowers!(Fibonacci principle..ehem;)
>Soap and water
>walking in the Rain
>starry nights (shows how small and insignificant we are)
>getting early morning/late night calls:D (uhuh. i love my fone na!!)
>midnight talks with my bros
>talks with my fwends
>"hello's" and "Thank you"'s
>listening to the kids answer
>seeing the deaf at the KH
>birds in 'v formation'(it conserves energy)
>learning something i never knew
>listening to my fav. songs
>listening to encouraging experiences
>getting asked "how are you?":D
>seeing a BS become convinced
There are probably many, many more things that keep me smiling but these are the one's I can think of now, so they're also probably the ones that matter most^_^ So to all the people who keep me smiling-Thank for making me smile!!!keep it up!!lol

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