So which player was the best?The looser,the one who surrendered or the fighter?You'd might say "the 'fighter' of course."Well, he did win in the end But he also could easily have been the looser with just one move.In another time, or place he easily could have lost.How about the one who gave up? Yes, he did save himself the heart-break but who knows, if he continued the game, he might have won.If only he was willing to take the risk. The looser?He did everything he could, didn't give up but just happened to loose.He walked away with a heart-break but also a lot of lessons.If given the chance to play again, he'd probably know what to do and probably would play a better game this time:)
Nobody can play a 'perfect game' of love.Nobody can assure their victory and nobody can condemn themselves to heartbreak.Sometimes the most unlikely people turn out 'winner the least expected 'losers'.My point?Some things are simply out of your hands,there is only so much you can do,so much risks you can take. so weather you end up being the 'looser', 'winner' or 'surrender er'-just remember it's a gamble.You can always 'deal' again and play a better game.Just keep yourself together,hold your head up high,stitch your heart if it gets broken and PLAY!!<*_*>
(btw:I'm not a gambler ok?never played the game, this is a mere illustration.lol)

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