Happiness doesn't really have to be for some special reason.You don't have to be happy just because you got a raise,passed an exam or accomplished something.Those are too seldom for our happiness to depend on!If you can't think of any reason when you wake up to be happy, try looking out the window and be happy that you got to see the sun for one more day.Or try watching the clouds endlessly change shape and be happy you've got eyes to see that:)Just try to appreciate every single thing around you, no matter how 'normal' it seems.(I find the soapy bubbles in water mm...nice:).If you really try to 'open your eyes' your world won't seem so boring anymore and you'll learn to find happiness everywhere!
If you really really do have ample reason not to be happy then just think real hard.Would your frown change anything?Nope.So why bother??It so much easier to smile!Ok,ok, I'm making it sound too simple..What i do when the world seems to be falling on me is think,think and think.Is it really worth the worry?How big is your 'issue' anyway?You'll probably find you're making a fuss of something rather minor.And if it's really big?Mmm..then think about something worse, something that hasn't happened to you and be happy you're not that bad:) Then think of the millions of reasons you have to be happy, they'll bypass your reasons for sadness so far that you'll forget what you were worrying about in the first place!:)
My final tip:when you wake up, smile and say to yourself "today is my happy day!"I promise-you'll smile your day away *_*

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