No matter how everyone was probably tired from the whole day's work,surely had much on their minds,it's like they left their worries, concerns etc at the KH gate and walked in like they had the best day of their lives! Everyone being as positive as they can, holding back yawns and not mentioning hunger.Everyone focusing their mind on one Goal.That's the kind of unity you only see in JH''s organization and one of the things I live for.
Then theirs always the part of sharing experiences.Simply seeing someone excitedly relate what happened,with so much conviction just 'melts' my heart.You can't help but love them.:) When it's finally 'going home' time-there's always the feeling that you wish you could all go home together.That you never had to go separate ways so you could continue your conversation.It's like biding goodbye is as good as leaving your 'bubble' and having to go back to the 'real' world.
Can you imagine feeling that satisfied, happy etc every single day??Well, I've just reinforced my decision!!!I'm surely going to have no regrets!!&_&

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