Everybody has unforgettable childhood memories, it's nice to sometimes look back and reminisce those good times and laugh at some of the stupid things you did.I've been blessed with a wonderful childhood, full of adventure.I'm getting very forgetful lately, in fear that I might wake up one day with no memories of my past, I've decided to make a list of some things I did when I was a kid that I remember vividly.
>Our farm with no electricity.There were many trees, we had cows, goats and I think pigs( I'm talking about age 1-2 here).Then there was a rusty bus right in front of the house and a well on the right. Further down were banana trees and a stream.On the left I remember a guava tree that I used to climb.Inside the house we had I think two bedrooms, a kitchen, dining room and a bathroom.We all slept in the one room since the other one became my playroom (it had no roof yet)I remember playing alone then with my bro, probably because I was the only child during this time.What else do I recall??Snakes!! Papa always had to check the house when we returned from meetings with a torch to make sure it was 'safe'.Many times there was a snake in one of the rooms and we had to creep in and quickly enter our room and lock it.The snake was gone by morning. I think sometime in our stay at the farm, I ate a field mice roasted by one of our helpers-it was yummy like chicken:D. Then there was the long, long, dark scary road we had to pass before getting to the 'highway' (we were 20km away from the city)!
>Next, I remember our other house (where first bro was born). This was the time we were you could say 'rich'-Papa was a manager!. Dad was really fat (but fit) and our house had a rose garden and lots of mango trees in the backyard. We went to fine dining restaurants often (all company paid).This is also when i remember playing with my fafa in our lawn every time it rained!(my bro was too small to join us).Also had lots of Bethelites visit us often-my parents close friends.
>Then moved again to the city.I'm grade two or so by now.That's were my green and yellow uniform comes in.(soo green even my socks!lol).I was very timid, the smallest in the class, often picked on (not many memories here)....hmm..oh there was the sneaking out of the window to play during nap time..hahaha.(we never got caught;).and the climbing the mango tree to get to the neighbors house! Then the racing to the end of the street, playing hide and seek in empty lots, throwing baloons filled with water at each other.Making sure to get be clean and in doors by 5:00 (cartoons time).
>Then another move to a little bit farm area..I like this part;) I become the teachers' pet, 'smartest' in the class..hahaha.Walked to school every day (a 30 min walk-no transport) on a dusty road but with trees and nature all around.Always had snakes cross by in front of me!I never ever played or owned a barbie and didn't have many girl friends. My buddies were my bros and the neighbors kids (all boys), me being the only girl( I didn't think I was a girl though..lol) We used to play soccer with our home-made balls bare feet off course ( our yard was sooo big!!) Stealing mangoes from trees was a fav pastime too. Then there was going 'hunting'(still barefooted) in the tall grass outside our yard (looking for 'Blacky'-our pitch black cat who always wondered around).Only the 'big' ones were allowed ie.me, my bro and eldest neighbor(my age mate), the rest stayed at home playing 'kids' games.lol We got really far with our 'hunts' but never feared getting lost.:) It's also this time I got my first,no it was my second love letter!lol from?My age mate, bestfriend neighbor! I was a very late bloomer you see, never thought of 'boyfriends','crushes' even if I was around grade 6 or 7!Anyways, that destroyed our friendship-I mean how could he ask me to be his girlfriend??We were buddies ie. I was a boy.lol.This is one of my greatest regrets, not mending our friendship/relationship before we left for the Phils:(( If I could turn back time, this is what I'd change for sure!!
Well, so much for my time travel.At least I can safely say I had my full share of a happy childhood.Did you??.^_^

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