Ok, I must admit I started running out of ideas for this blog so as usual, i turned to my bro for some suggestions.This is his idea.(just the title;). I used to get this a lot in High school and College:
Them:"Why don't you have a bf?"
Me:"I'm not ready yet"
Them:"But your already ___!Anyway, it's just practice"
Me:"I believe bf/gf relationships are serious-for marriage"
Them:"what??No way..how will you know who's best for you if you don't try different personalities?" ie:practice makes perfect
The conversation always ended up in a debate of 'me against the world'.What's the problem here??Many think the more you enter (& exit) relationships, the more you learn about yourself and about what you want/need in a partner.Is that good practice for a long lasting relationship?If anything, they're preparing for divorce; viewing relationships as 'casual', 'no big deal','short-term'-PRACTICE!
Another loop hole in this 'practice makes perfect' reasoning is the what I've come to call "OUCH" factor.
Scenario: Boy is very serious about this girl, thinks she might be 'the one', does everything to get her interested (lots of effort) and finally-she agrees!!Girl however doesn't really like/love this guy but since he's persistent,she thinks "why not? it'd be good practice after all".End?Boy gets a big, big heartbreak that might have an effect on his very life.Girl walks away-no big deal
*The End*
How about if you were the boy?Just being practiced on?O-U-C-H.
Lesson:Practice doesn't make perfect!You can learn from your experiences, the difference being you don't do it intentionally(entering a relationship,knowing you'll 'break-up' for sure), you do your best but things simply don't work out so you walk away with experience not practice.Relationships are definitely not a time for trial and error. But how are you supposed to know "who's best for you if you don't try different personalities"? It's called maturity.As you get to know yourself, you'll realize what you need and who would be compatible.Yes, age does matter(not age-difference between partners but the age you enter a relationship). So if you want to prevent heartbreak, don't 'practice', simply wait 'til you're mature enough then learn from your experiences.^_^

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