Here are some sweet/corny (depending on how you look at it) things people have done:
>"...I pulled out a dollar and wrote in big block letters “SMILE” and laminated it. I drove up to his job and placed it on his truck.."
>"...I drove over to his work and put Hershey kisses all over his car!.."
>"..He had cut out 21 hearts- 20 each said "5%" on one side and on the other, reasons why he loved me such as "your smile." The biggest heart hanging at the entrance to my room said "22%" (my favorite number) and "I love you for being you..."
>"...I wrote my absolute love of my life a really sweet poem all about the things we have done this year...and read it to her..."
>"...I pulled forth a dozen white roses with a single red rose in the middle of the bunch. Attached to the red rose I had note saying "Thank you so much for 'standing-out' in my life...."
Ok.Ok. Enough of that!Well, would you categorize those as sweet or corny?I really believe in "the cornier, the sweeter", my bro says "the cornier, the more sincere".Why? It takes a lot of guts, premeditation, planning, effort...to pull any of those 'surprises'.All the effort etc put into it could only spell one thing-LOVE.You surely wouldn't go that far for just anybody! It just shows how special you think they are.Yeah, it might sound corny, very corny but for the one on the receiving end-.."it was the sweetest thing anyone had done for me..", that's how all the above stories ended.Lesson?Some things only sound corny, but are really very sweet.Not that I'm an expert on the matter but looking back, I've actually done some things that only now have realized were actually sweet!lol.So, I do have a sweet, gentle side after all;)...*_*
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