There are lots of lists of 'signs you're in love' around.Since I've got a blog, I thought why not make my own version. Signals that would obviously apply to myself and probably everyone else.So here it goes:
* You save all (most) of their messages (text, ym etc)-save them for a rainy day when you'll need a smile ^_^
* You find yourself smiling for no visible reason -actually you're thinking 'happy thoughts' ie him/her.
* People say you're 'blooming'(girls only) even if you didn't do anything special to yourself
* You begin to like slow (corny) songs despite being a rock, upbeat fan
* A lot of things, places, lines suddenly make you think of him/her
* You change from being very forgetful to having a good memory (remember a lot of tiny details about him/her)
* He/she is on your mind 24/7 (not that you're really thinking of them but they're somewhere on the back of your mind)
* You're interested in his/her opinion
* You can't wait to talk to him/her like they somehow 'complete your day'
* You were smiling all the while reading this coz there's someone on your mind ;)
Well??Did you hear the sirens go "red alert, red alert-you're in love"? CONGRATULATIONS!!xox

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