I had another 'Talk Show' with one of my bros over the weekend, I made him explain the black-listed thing and ended up talking about compatibility.(Personality wise-spiritual factors etc are a given off course)What exactly does it involve? If you enjoy the same music and get along perfectly, would you say you're compatible? Or if you had similar family backgrounds?Or perhaps look good together physically? I don't think so,I think it means much more and depends on each ones personality. No matter how much you like/love someone, doesn't make you compatible. In fact simply basing everything on love is very foolish.You sometimes have to accept the fact that you wouldn't make a good couple!No matter how much you think you love the person, if you look real close (take off the blindfold of love) -you'll see just how incompatible you really are."love covers a multitude of sins"? These are not sins-this is something you can't change-the personality you'll live with for the rest of your life!
According to my bro, there is a certain kind of personality that you're compatible with.Not totally though, just some traits that become a 'must-have' to fit your personality and for you to be compatible.In my case, he says a 'behaved', quiet, smart guy.(He forgot humor,you just have to know how to make me laugh!)"Why?" I asked. Well, because I'm loud, not so high IQ (he actually called be dumb!hmph), outgoing and mm...kinda naughty?.Someone to somewhat neutralize/tame me I guess..Coming to think of it, I can't imagine myself having to 'compete' with a guy verbally!! I mean, I'm the girl right?So I'm supposed to be talkative.lol. Or maybe sharing my cosmetics with him!("can you pass me the powder hun?"-oh no!) Or someone whose more emotional than me?? (I'm really not that emotional)
"Opposites attract"? I think they do, just not in every single thing and to the extreme degree.There simply has to be some 'meeting in between'.Then there's the gender role issue. The guy always should be the head, so the girl should be able to respect him.The girl should always be somehow dependent on him (especially emotionally), be able to tell him things without fearing he'd 'break-down'.The girl is always the "damsel in distress:; guy always the "knight in shining armor".Those roles just can't be reversed.(Guy the 'lad in distress'; girl the "princess in shining armor"??lol just sooo wrong!!)
Conclusion?Make sure he can be your "knight in shining armor" before you fall? And off course, 'bros know best' so when in doubt, make an appointment with the 'love doctors'.lol ^_^

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