I was having a midnight talk (ended up in a debate) with my 'lil bro bout love stuff(we both couldn't sleep).Yeah, he's all grown up and can even hold an argument with me now!lol Our topic?Who owns(has more control) of the game (courtship etc)?Male or Female?
My answer:Male.why?He's the guy, he makes all the moves.He can use his charm, sweetness to get any girl he likes.If the girl doesn't like him at first, it'll just take a little gentleman gestures and she'll eventually fall.Or he could simply just be her friend, always there (in the end, girls for their 'friends').Another thing-girls aren't so particular about looks!ie-if you're not Brad Pitt you could still get Angelina to fall for you!Girls just fall faster and easier than guys.
His rebuttal:Guys can do nothing if the girl is firm and says NO!Guys don't act(no matter how interested they may be) if they don't get some signal from the girl, they aren't making any moves."You don't know how much power girls have" he says.If you try the 'friends' approach-sometimes, you might only ruin your friendship.
Ok, now at this point, i'm somewhat agreeing with him..lol
His answer: FEMALES!why?They can make any guy they like notice them, give them 'signals' and he'll come running after them.In short, guys think they're making the first move but the reality is they got some 'signs' from the girl.The bottom line-girls take the 'lead'.
My rebuttal:True, guyz can't resist taking girls 'signals'.Question is how sincere are they?They can easily 'go with the flow' (gives them an ego boast).If the guy isn't 'in' to you-you really can't change that.The fact is-the guy must at least initially have some interest in you!Good if he 'falls' for real but what if he doesn't? another OUCH!
The verdict?it's a tie-neither really OWN the game.There is some mutuality involved somewhere down the line.Well, well, i should have known better than to 'take on' a certified "Best Debater"!;) Who would've guessed my baby bro wound be a new source of ideas for my posts...
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