It's simply amazing how any child especially the 'terrible twos' or at least below five, can put a smile on probably anyone's face. Have you seen how adults, no matter how 'serious' they may seem would do almost everything to get a kid smile? You put on your best funny face, clap your hands, dance around-anything for that simple smile! It's as if children have some spell that could melt the hardest of hearts.Whoever gets them to accept their open arms or better yet gets that hard earned grin, walks away victorious. Like you've won some lotto or something!How is it that the presence of even one child brings out the best in everyone.Why??
Maybe it's because we're captivated by their innocence, contentment, their genuine,selfless ways. How they can cry this second and have a huge smile the next, how a simple balloon or candy is all they need to take the pain away, how they don't care about getting dirty and care-freely entertain themselves, the trust they have that you'll catch them when you throw them in the air,the way they don't have a hint of pride in them and can ask help for anything, the confidence they have in mommy/daddy to make everything better, how they forget any fights and reconcile in a heartbeat, the pleasure they get from the simplest of things.
I think we somehow wish we were more like that.That we could always be happy and satisfied, without worries, that we didn't take ourselves too seriously, that we trusted people more, that we were humble enough to admit our mistakes, that we never had to end any friendships-that we could see the world in their eyes.^_^
No wonder Jesus said we should be more like them to 'enter God's Kingdom'-children are the perfect examples of how we're supposed to be; how to live and enjoy life.Me having second thoughts on having kids???lol

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